Epilepsy and Relationships

By Lisa Kiarie Epilepsy is one of the highly misunderstood conditions in society. Individuals with epilepsy often go through difficult times. The one question is always consistent; what is epilepsy? Although many times people have thought it to be a cultural misfortune of some sort where the affected party is possessed by evil spirits, epilepsy […]
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Dealing with ADHD: Better Late than Never

By Nura Robin Mein We never fully know and understand how deep the stigma of mental illness runs until we are confronted with our own personal experiences. My fourth-grade class teacher told my mother that I exhibited symptoms and behaviorisms that indicated Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Understandably, when my mother heard this, she was […]
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The Fighters Battle: Epileptic Warrior

By Kuzivakwashe Milcah Wazara I was fifteen years old when the seizures started. It was quite scary because I didn’t know what it was. What was worse was that no one else knew what it was. These seizures started after three days of hallucinating and, when I was taken to the hospital, the doctors concluded […]
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A Look back at the 2020 Elections in Africa

By Mikhail Nyamweya Introduction There has been a discernible shift in electoral patterns in Africa in the past few years. One such example is the comeback victory made by Malawi’s Congress Party (MCP) in the 2020 elections. This notwithstanding, elsewhere in the continent, there has been an unprecedented democracy rollback. This has been seen through […]
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Academic Achievements, 2020

The year 2020! What a year it has been. The global Coronavirus Pandemic has defined 2020. COVID19 has affected virtually all sectors of the economy. In early January, I received good news of a Visiting Fellowship at the Centre for African Studies (CAS) in Edinburgh. It was going to be an opportunity for me to […]
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Living well with epilepsy

By Lisa Kiarie Being an individual living with epilepsy, the one question I get a lot is “what is epilepsy?” The scientific definition is a chronic neurologic disorder with many possible causes and causes include illness, to brain damage, to abnormal brain development which causes seizures. A seizure is a sudden surge of electrical activity […]
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Covid-19 and The Great Reset – Implications for Africa

By Karen Sugahara Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic on the 11th of March 2020, the disease has caused socio-economic havoc across the globe. Pressing is the magnification of existing inequalities between the haves and have not’s – both at the micro and macro-economic level. Critically, sectors including […]
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